
ECOMMERCE Website Maintenance

We check and monitor the health and performance of your eCommerce website, and keep your eCommerce website content fresh and relevant


Our website maintenance keeps your site safe, optimized, and user-friendly.

  • We work on a staging environment to ensure all changes and updates work properly before deploying to your live site.
  • We provide data analytics of both the website’s technical and content SEO to help you fine tune your digital marketing efforts.
  • We keep your website in sync with Google’s algorithm changes which helps with your SERP ranking.
  • We abide by the recommended best practices to remove the outdated and unwanted to keep your website lean and fast.
  • We regularly update security patches, scan for malware and monitor the health status 24/7 to keep your website safe and secure.
  • We can help keep your website fresh and relevant by updating your content regularly to improve customers’ return rate and increases search engine index frequency.


We keep your website healthy, fresh and relevant


Keep your website healthy, secure and relevant

  • Check and remove deadlinks
  • Update hyperlinks
  • Spam cleanup
  • Website backup
  • Database cleanup
  • Database optimisation
  • Database backup
  • Update Plugins
  • Update Theme
  • Update WordPress
  • 15 minutes of consultation per month
  • Staging Environment
  • Priority E-mail Support


Contact us if you have questions that are not answered here. We are always happy to clear any concerns you have.

FAQ - eCommerce Cloud Solutions - Digital Agency

FAQ on Website Maintenance Service

  • General
1. How often do I need to maintain my website?

Regular website maintenance will help enhance your website performance and improves your SERPs ranking. It is also important to keep your website up to date with the latest software versions and security patches.

We recommend at least once a month maintenance for all types of websites. The scope and maintenance frequency will vary depending on the scale and nature of your website. We can provide more tailored advice after understanding your business needs and requirements. Reach out for a non-obligatory discussion to explore how we can meet your needs.

2. Can you provide maintenance services for websites that were not originally designed or developed by your team?
Yes, we offer website maintenance services for websites that were not designed and developed by us. However, customers who use our website design and development services receive preferential pricing on our website maintenance package if they sign up within a month of project completion.
3. Do you offer ad-hoc website maintenance services?

Yes, you can check out our ad hoc website maintenance service or contact us for the latest rate.

4. What happens if the latest software updates are incompatible with my website?

We perform all tests and updates in a staging environment to detect any incompatibilities before deploying to your production site. If we find any issues, we will advise on possible solutions and you can decide whether to proceed with the proposed fixes.

5. Will there be any downtime during website maintenance work?

We perform website updates in a staging environment to make sure everything works well before making these updates available on your actual website. This will ensure minimal interruptions.

If you are using our cloud web hosting service, we can leverage the cloud infrastructure to eliminate avoidable downtime.

6. Does the website maintenance package include content creation?

Our default website maintenance packages do not include content creation. Content creation is available as an add-on service.

For ad hoc content creation service, you can check out our on-demand deliverables service. For regular content creation, we recommend Our Unit Plans for better pricing and efficient digital asset management.

7. Does the WordPress website maintenance package include plugins license?
Our website maintenance packages do not include the purchase of plugins license.


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