

We offer technical and on-page SEO to optimize your website for both search engines and human readers, putting you ahead of your competitors

What’s Technical and On-Page SEO?

On-page and technical SEO are not siloed concepts; they work in tandem to enhance a website’s overall search engine ranking page results

Humans and robots look at and understand a website differently. We ensure that your website is well-received by both humans and search engines

SEO is the key to being seen and successful online. By making your website rank higher in search results, you can get more visitors, leads, and sales. SEO encompasses a comprehensive array of strategies and techniques, with on-page and technical SEO serving as two fundamental pillars.

On-Page SEO: Crafting Content that Captures and Converts

On-page SEO focuses on optimizing the content and structure of individual web pages to make them more relevant, engaging, and appealing to search engines. Key aspects include keyword research, meta tags optimization, quality content creation, internal linking, HTML markup optimization, Mobile optimisation and user-friendly URLs.

By mastering these on-page SEO principles, websites can ensure that their content is not only informative and engaging for users but also discoverable and ranking well in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Technical SEO: Laying the Foundation for Search Engine Crawlability

Technical SEO focuses on improving the underlying technical aspects of a website to make it more accessible and crawlable for search engines. This involves tasks such as optimizing site speed, improving site structure, implementing structured data, ensuring mobile-friendliness, implementing HTTPS security certificate, creating and submitting error free sitemap and fixing any technical errors that might hinder the website’s performance in search engines.

By addressing these technical SEO elements, websites can lay a solid foundation for search engine crawlability and indexing, ensuring that their content is effectively discovered and ranked in search results.

By optimizing content and structure while addressing technical aspects, websites can achieve a comprehensive SEO strategy that drives organic traffic, improves visibility, and boosts online presence.


Technical and On-Page SEO services with traceable results


Increase index coverage

  • SEO Audit Report
  • Website backup
  • Staging Environment
  • Priority E-mail Support


Contact us if you have questions that are not answered here. We are happy to clear any concerns you have.

FAQ - eCommerce Cloud Solutions - Digital Agency

FAQ on Technical SEO Services

  • General
1. What’s Technical SEO?
Technical SEO is a process of optimising your website for search engine spiders. The objective of Technical SEO is to provide a conducive environment for search engine spiders to crawl your website, increase index coverage and interpret your web pages correctly. If a website is not technically optimized or has technical errors, it will discourage search engine spiders from crawling and indexing the website, which negatively impacts your SERPs ranking.
2. What is the difference between Technical SEO and Content SEO?
Technical SEO focuses on optimizing the technical aspects of a website to ensure it meets the requirements of search engine spiders. This includes improving site architecture, enhancing website speed, and ensuring efficient crawling and indexing.

Conversely, Content SEO concentrates on keyword analysis, optimizing keyword frequency, and placement within the content. It communicates with search engines through text, audio, and images visible to users, aiming to make content appealing and relevant to both search engines and the audience.

3. Is Technical SEO or Content SEO more important?
You cannot fully benefit from content SEO marketing if your website fails to meet the technical requirements necessary for search engine spiders.
4. Does my website require Technical SEO?
Every website can benefit from Technical SEO. Most technical SEO errors are not visible to end users, but they significantly impact how search engine spiders analyze and index your site. We can provide a comprehensive SEO Audit to identify the SEO issues that need to be fixed for your website. Every website will require a different SEO approach and strategy.
5. When can I expect to see results from technical SEO?
Some technical SEO adjustments may yield immediate results, while others may take days to months to be recognized by search engines. The timeframe for seeing improvements depends on the specific changes made and how quickly search engines update their rankings based on these modifications.
6. How often do we need to do Technical SEO?
Some aspects of technical SEO involve one-time fixes, whereas others require continuous adjustments to ensure optimal performance. We offer a comprehensive SEO audit to identify any issues your website may have. Based on the audit results, we will recommend the necessary actions to take, whether they involve immediate fixes or ongoing optimization strategies.
7. Do your SEO packages include website design and development work?
Our SEO packages do not cover website design and development. However, we offer Website design and development as an additional service.
8. Do I need to disavow backlinks?
Google’s search engine can identify spam links, which typically will not impact your SERP rankings even if you do not disavow them. However, it is recommended to disavow backlinks that are low-quality, especially those purchased or acquired unnaturally through SEO marketing efforts. We can assist in disavowing backlinks for you if necessary.


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